Meet Alan
Alan David Michael is an internet sales rep for Chrysler Jeep and was formerly a restaurant manager. He has lived in North Carolina for 20 years and in Raleigh for 13. Alan has been involved in many civic organizations such as The Lions Club, the Rotary Club, and has also served as an elections official in Wake County. His wife is from Tianjin, China, and they have been married for 12 years.
On The Issues
Every North Carolina family knows the importance of balancing their budget and spending within their means. Why can't we expect the same from our government? I'll only support legislation that balances our budget - we can't afford to put our children and grandchildren in debt.
Every student in North Carolina deserves the best education. I support raising teacher pay, investing more money in education, and allowing more freedom of choice for parents. I support school choice because no child's future should be determined by their zip code.
I believe the best way to continue to strengthen and grow our economy is to reduce the burdens on small business and cut unnecessary regulations that hamper job growth. Individuals making free choices in the marketplace make better decisions than politicians.